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About Us
Michael Freeman's prodigious talents playing reed instruments brought him from his childhood home of New Orleans to Berklee College of Music, where Michael's ska band was signed to Tim Armstrong's Hellcat Records. After successive Vans' Warped Tours, Michael realized that living in a van with ten other guys, playing the same nine songs repeatedly was not as glamorous as he'd envisioned. Subsequently, Michael quit the band and re-enrolled in college to earn his Bachelor's degree. But, Michael could never quit music, leading him to pursue a MM from NYU and ultimately an internship in the Mcgarrybowen music department, which was led at that time by Rob Kaplan. Michael learned the craft of integrating music into advertising and excelled to the point where he, up until recently, ran Ogilvy's music department.
Rob's journey from mcgarrybowen took him to Sony Music Publishing, where he represented the catalog to advertisers, brands and consumer products manufacturers globally, and then to form his own music supervision and production company, Wool & Tusk.
Now, Rob and Michael have reunited to create the Department of Music, your outsourced, in-house music department for any and all music needs. Drop us a note and we'd love to tell you more.
Michael Freeman
Robert Kaplan
DOM Eagle
© 2023 Dept of Music. All rights reserved.